Sunday, March 21, 2010

We had a pair of Great Blue Herons perch in the tree across the road from our house this afternoon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring weather

Wednesday we finally had some warm sunshine and I made use of it by snapping a few pics.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Chicks!

My Plymouth Barred Rock chicks came today from Cackle Hatchery. I ordered 25 pullets and 5 cockerels, I have no idea if that is how many I got because as soon as I opened the box they were jumping out! They were quick to the water and feed and seem to be doing great.

New Pics!

I finally got the camera out and snapped some quick pics of the bottle babies all grown up, along with a few other random pics.
This is what greets me over the gate at the barn. Susie and I are literally nose to nose when she stands on her hind legs!

This is Daisy, a.k.a. Sis, she loves people and is very spoiled. :)

Here's Duke, a.k.a. Bro, he loves people too but since he is now a VERY stinky billy he doesn't get as much hands-on attention as he would like.

This is just a couple of our guineas looking for something to eat this morning. You can see we still have patches of snow on the ground.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Boomerang Babies

Remember these little ones from last spring?
If not, here's where you can read about them as bottle babies. The young lady who bought them just found out she is having a baby of her own (how exciting)! So, she decided she wasn't going to have time for these spoiled goats and they came back home to Redbud Lane where their little lives began. We are wishing Tasha the very best with her new little one and are happy to have Bro and Sis back. I will try to get pics added later today.