Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bald Eagles

I love bald eagles, some would even say I have an infatuation with them. My kids actually accuse me of "stalking" them! Growing up we never saw bald eagles, thanks in large part to DDT. In the last few years we have had the wonderful fortune of watching them make a dramatic come back. (Dan likes to remind me I won't like them as much when they are preying on my chickens). I snapped these pictures just up the road at my neighbor's house. There was some roadkill in the ditch across from his lane and they had been dining on it for the past couple of days. I counted four there today but they seemed skittish of my car parked in the driveway and would not land (pose) for me. I took a chance and snapped a few. Please forgive the bad lighting, it seems the sun rarely shines this time of year.

1 comment:

Nancy K. said...

I also get excited when I see bald eagles. Especially up close. We have quite a large population in this area. They are frequently seen in fields (eating carrion, like the ones you saw) and I live near an area with a lock and dam on the Mississippi river. Because there is open water by the lock and dam, all year long, the bald eagles congregate there and fish all winter long. It's not uncommon to drive by and see 4 or more birds perched in the trees along the shoreline. They can also be seen, on the ice, eating what they catch!