Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eagle Blog?

I can't help it, I am so taken with these majestic birds! I noticed one flying outside my window and ran down and grabbed the camera. Not only was this adult bald eagle circling the pasture across the road, his buddy was perched in what I am now calling "The Eagle Tree."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Juvenile Eagle

I just happened to look out the front window this morning and spotted this juvenile bald eagle perched in the tree directly across from our lane. You can tell how close the tree is by the picture I took from the side porch. He seemed very content to sit and watch over things for a long while. I still can't get over seeing them this close to the house, what magnificent birds!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm Wishing, I'm Wishing....

For spring!!! Why is it that December snow is so much more magical than January snow?

"Did you bring us more hay Mom? We already ate what Dad gave us this morning."

Susie seems to be enjoying herself this morning!

The goatie girls much prefer the barn this morning. Poor Nellie is getting on in age and doesn't seem to be handling the cold very well this year at all. She's the Toggenburg in the back. I may have to find her a coat...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bald Eagles

I love bald eagles, some would even say I have an infatuation with them. My kids actually accuse me of "stalking" them! Growing up we never saw bald eagles, thanks in large part to DDT. In the last few years we have had the wonderful fortune of watching them make a dramatic come back. (Dan likes to remind me I won't like them as much when they are preying on my chickens). I snapped these pictures just up the road at my neighbor's house. There was some roadkill in the ditch across from his lane and they had been dining on it for the past couple of days. I counted four there today but they seemed skittish of my car parked in the driveway and would not land (pose) for me. I took a chance and snapped a few. Please forgive the bad lighting, it seems the sun rarely shines this time of year.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Wish Book

You know you might be a little bit of a country girl when the new McMurray Hatchery catalog arrives in the mail and you exclaim that your "wish book" is finally here!
It seems like every other day there is a new seed catalog in the mailbox and I love sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate and dreaming about playing in the dirt again. Yet nothing quite says Spring to me like a magazine full of chicks and ducklings. I sold all of my ducks and even my one goose last year and I miss them more than I thought I would. I haven't decided what breed I am going to get this time. I have had Indian Runners, Mallards, Rouens, Black Cayugas, Blue Swedes, White Pekin and Khaki Campbells. I really loved them all. Oh! Decisions, decisions! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I snapped a few pictures while Ginger and I were out feeding the birds this morning.

The chickens decided to dine in. :)

Snow Much Fun!

We got the six inches of snow they were predicting and Ginger, my corgi, decided to help me feed the birds this morning. Well, she just played while I fed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's Snowing!

The snow has started to fly and they are predicting 4-6 inches by tomorrow. It doesn't seem to bother the sheep and birds though.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Holidays (a little late)

A belated Merry Christmas to my blogland friends and I hope 2011 holds more blessings than you will be able to count!